Book release on September 25, 2020

The End of the Megamachine

A Brief History of a Failing Civilization

Spanning 5000 years of history, The End of the Megamachine provides a uniquely comprehensive picture of the roots of the destructive forces that are threatening the future of humankind today. With an afterword about pandemics, the destruction of the biosphere and the limits to economic expansion.

– “The topic could not be more important. A very valuable and surely timely contribution.”—NOAM CHOMSKY
– “A fascinating new take on the parts of human history that got us where we are today.“—BILL MCKIBBEN
– “A must read for everyone rising against the system that is destroying life on earth and our future.”—VANDANA SHIVA
– “Scheidler’s prose has a great narrative drive, it is full of historical examples, leaving no room for tedium.”—EL PAÍS
– “This well-documented analysis dismantles the myths and narratives that have glorified and naturalized relations of domination.”—LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE
– “This book, a sensation in Germany when it was first published, challenges us to seek a new path for our and the planet’s survival.”—MAUDE BARLOW
– “This book is a loud alarm that must not be ignored.”—NNIMMO BASSEY

Book release on March 1, 2021

The Stuff We Are Made of

Rethinking Nature and Society

The ecological crisis and climate chaos threaten the future of humanity. One of the reasons for this is a technocratic worldview that reduces nature to a disposable resource in the hands of man. In a fascinating journey through the history of science, Fabian Scheidler shows that this conception of nature is a fatal error. With a surprising new look at life, science and ourselves, this book opens up perspectives for profound social change. (In German language.)

“A masterstroke.”—Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, co-chair of the Club of Rome (2012-2018)

Piper Verlag, München 2021, 304 pages, EAN 978-3-492-07060-7

The Struggle for Global Justice

Conversations with Noam Chomsky, Vandana Shiva, Immanuel Wallerstein, Amy Goodman, George Monbiot, Yanis Varoufakis, Maude Barlow, Jeremy Scahill, Wangui Mbatia, Michael Albert, Pat Mooney, Alyn Ware, Srećko Horvat, Alberto Acosta, Kevin Anderson et al.

For the 10th anniversary of Kontext TV, the editors David Goeßmann and Fabian Scheidler have collected key interviews on the ecological crisis, war and peace, social justice and migration. (In German language.)

Promedia Verlag, Vienna 2019, 240 pages


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