The Struggle for Global Justice

Conversations with Noam Chomsky, Vandana Shiva, Immanuel Wallerstein, Amy Goodman, George Monbiot, Yanis Varoufakis, Maude Barlow, Jeremy Scahill, Wangui Mbatia, Michael Albert, Pat Mooney, Alyn Ware, Srećko Horvat, Alberto Acosta, Kevin Anderson et al.

For the 10th anniversary of Kontext TV, the editors David Goeßmann and Fabian Scheidler have collected key interviews on the ecological crisis, war and peace, social justice and migration. (In German language.)

Promedia Verlag, Vienna 2019, 240 pages

Print: € 19,90. ISBN: 978-3-85371-458-4.
E-Book: € 15,99. ISBN: 978-3-85371-874-2.

Over a period of ten years, David Goeßmann and Fabian Scheidler have talked to leading activists, scientists and journalists from six continents about the root causes of the current global ecological, social and economic crises – and about prospects of a livable future. The book is a unique collection of voices from progressive thinkers and movements on urgent issues like climate change, social justice, and peace. It provides an inspiring treasure of knowledge and ideas for the growing number of people who are resisting the ravages of capitalism and striving for a transition to global justice.



I. The Earth: Climate Crisis, Resource Depletion and the Dark Sides of Growth
George Monbiot: Environmental Breakdown and the Search for a New Progressive Narrative
Alice Bows-Larkin, Kevin Anderson: Tipping Points in the Earth System and the Transformation of Society
Vandana Shiva: The Dark Side of Economic Growth
Ugo Bardi: Plundering the Planet. Resource Depletion and the Limits to Fossil Fuels
Maude Barlow: The Fight for Water Justice
Pat Mooney: Russian Roulette with the Planet—Synthetic Biology, Geo Engineering, and other Risk Technologies

II. The Global North: Social Division, the Decline of Democracy and the Crisis of Capitalism
Chris Hedges: A Corporate Coup d’Etat: The US at the Brink of Neo-Feudalism
Amy Goodman: The Silenced Majority
Richard D. Wolff: The Angry Working Class and the Quest for a New Economic Order
Noam Chomsky: How Austerity Destroys a Whole Generation in the US and in Europe
Yanis Varoufakis: Democracy or Collapse of the EU
Srećko Horvat: The Breakup of Yugoslavia and the Future of the EU
Immanuel Wallerstein: The Global Systemic Crisis and the Struggle for a Post-Capitalist World

III. The Global South: Forced Exploitation, War und Resistance
Wangui Mbatia: The Pillage of the African Continent
Yayi Bayam Diouf: “I Want the Body of My Son”—The Destruction of Fishing in Senegal and the Deadly Flight to Europe
Aminata Traoré: The Case of Mali—How 30 Years of Neoliberalism Have Paved the Way for War
Noam Chomsky: The Rogue Politics of the West
Jeremy Scahill: Dirty Wars—How the US Declares the World a Battlefield
Gilbert Achcar: The Arab World between Revolution and Repression
Phyllis Bennis: The Syria Complex and the Blocked Diplomacy

IV. Outlooks
Alberto Acosta: The Rights of Nature and the “Buen Vivir”—Ways Out of the Resource Curse
Michael Albert: Participatory Economy – The Democratization of the Economy
Silvia Federici: The Crisis of Reproduction and the Struggle for the Commons
Alyn Ware: Towards a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

Stimmen zum Buch

„Das Thema könnte nicht wichtiger sein. Ein sehr wertvoller und hochaktueller Beitrag.“
Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Eine faszinierende neue Sicht auf den Teil der menschlichen Geschichte, der uns in die gegenwärtige Sackgasse geführt hat. Es ist eine verstörende Geschichte, die aber auch Hinweise auf einen Ausweg bietet.“
Bill McKibben, Klimaaktivist und Gründer von

“Eine Pflichtlektüre für alle, die sich gegen ein System erheben, das unsere Zukunft und das Leben auf der Erde zerstört.”
Vandana Shiva, World Future Council, Gründerin von

“Ein großartiges Buch. Es könnte aktueller nicht sein. Dem Autor gebührt Solidarität und Bewunderung.”
Jean Ziegler, UN-Menschenrechtsrat



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